We took a leading role in supporting and encouraging the UK Government to make Forced Marriage a criminal offence.
Freedom Charity
Support, donate, Eradicate
We are a UK-based charity formed to give support to victims of forced marriage and violence upon women thought to have brought dishonour on their family.
At Freedom we believe that all children should have the right to live free from abuse and coercion, without being forced into marriage or to endure the horrors of female genital mutilation (FGM). Freedom protects children through a 24/7 helpline, answered by professionals who understand dishonour abuse and how to help victims. Freedom educates children with specialist lessons around dishonour abuse, working with schools to deliver PSHE accredited lesson plans developed by Freedom. Freedom supports children and professionals with an App that puts the victim ‘two clicks away from help’. Freedom offers professional training to key workers so they can spot the signs of dishonour abuse and protect children at risk.
What your donation can provide
could help us raise awareness in schools and prevent FGM
could provide a counselling session for a victim of abuse
could provide a new identity for a victim fleeing abuse
could provide support for a girl fleeing abuse for a month.
WHAT WE have achieved
Ground-breaking App
We created the first secure 24/7 information and rescue App alongside the Forced Marriage Unit and the Police.
We have campaigned effectively to bring to an end the practice of Virginity Testing and surgical Hymenoplasty.
We have published two novels, 'But It's Not Fair' and 'Cut Flowers' to support and educate around our work. We have donated many thousands of these to pupils and libraries.
Lesson Plans
We have produced freely available PSHE accredited lesson plans to assist schools in their mandatory Key Stage 2 and 3 teaching.
Red Triangle
We designed and registered the Red Triangle Symbol which can be worn as a lapel pin badge.
School Visits
We regularly visit schools, giving assemblies and also supporting Key Stage 2 and 3 teaching.
Ways you can help
Please support Freedom by purchasing our books or a red triangle badge. All profits go towards helping support our cause.
Purchasing and wearing Freedom Charity’s Red Triangle pin badge, which symbolises all aspects of the Charity’s work, is an effective way to start a conversation with anyone enquiring what it means and why you are wearing it.
Buying Freedom’s books to read and pass on to young people who may be interested, contributes to the Charity’s income and places these crucial messages within reach of those who may themselves be at risk.
Sharing Freedom Charity’s website details and social media posts on your own networks is the best way to spread the word and draw attention to the issues. It is surprising how many people remain totally unaware of Dishonour Abuse, Forced Marriage, FGM, Virginity Testing, Virginity Repair, Breast Ironing and Modern Day Slavery – all items within the scope of Freedom’s remit
Raising funds for Freedom Charity, will help the work to continue in a sustainable way. There are so many ways to raise funds among friends, family and contacts.

Freedom Charity has visited 140 schools to deliver lessons (accredited by PSHE Association), workshops and assemblies to young people and has donated tens of thousands of copies of Aneeta Prem’s novel, ‘But It’s Not Fair’, and ‘Cut Flowers’ to students and education professionals. Aneeta’s innovative and expert presentations, combined with the novel and PSHE lesson plans, provide students across all Key Stages with the knowledge to engage with, and discuss, complex human rights issues.
We have also delivered training to police forces, the UK Border Force, airport authorities, social workers and other professionals on how to spot the signs of Dishonour Abuse and how to help
In the media
Latest News & Updates
By Barnie Choudhury – Eastern Eye Children as young as 14 are contacting the police, using a special app, over fears they will be married against their will during the coronavirus lock down. That’s according to a leading charity which specialises in helping victims of forced marriage. The leap in numbers is an unintended consequence […]
Female Genital Mutilation
FGM is recognised internationally as a violation of the human rights of girls and women. It reflects deep-rooted inequality between the sexes and constitutes an extreme form of discrimination against women. It is nearly always carried out on minors and is a violation of the rights of children.
Virginity Testing
Freedom Charity has been instrumental in raising both governmental and public awareness of this abusive practice and welcomes the proposed introduction of law which leads to these practices becoming criminal offences and future perpetrators being brought to justice.
Freedom Charity App
Developed and launched the Freedom App, the ‘999 of Apps’ enabling victims, potential victims and keyworkers to access instant help and advice
The Law
Led on making Forced Marriage a criminal offence, through the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act. Freedom’s Founder was awarded the Prime Minister’s Point of Light Award in recognition of this.