Alarming Rise in Violence Against Women and Girls

Alarming Rise in Violence Against Women and Girls
Alarming Rise in Violence Against Women and Girls

: Freedom Charity Calls for Action



The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) has released a comprehensive analysis revealing the shocking scale of violence against women and girls (VAWG) in England and Wales. Freedom Charity,  Aneeta Prem, responds to these findings and highlights the urgent need for action, particularly in addressing dishonour-based violence.

Key Findings from the NPCC Report

The NPCC report paints a grim picture of VAWG, with startling statistics that underscore the severity of the issue:

Daily Toll of Violence

The NPCC data, when broken down, reveals a disturbing daily picture:

Emerging Trends with Alarming Rise in Violence Against Women and Girls

The report highlights several concerning trends that require immediate attention:

Honour-Based Violence: A Hidden Crisis

While the NPCC report focuses on various forms of VAWG, Freedom Charity emphasises the often-overlooked issue of dishonour-based violence. This includes forced marriages, female genital mutilation (FGM), and other forms of abuse called dishonour. @AneetaPrem,  states:

“Dishonour violence remains a significant yet under-reported aspect of VAWG. These crimes often go undetected due to cultural barriers and fear of reporting. It’s crucial that we shine a light on these issues and provide targeted support to victims and those at risk.”

Freedom Charity’s Response

In light of these findings, Freedom Charity is intensifying its efforts to combat all forms of VAWG, with a particular focus on dishonour-based violence:

Education and Awareness

Freedom Charity continues to expand its educational programmes in schools, raising awareness about dishonour-based violence, forced marriages, and FGM. These programmes are designed to educate young people about the dangers and signs of these practices, empowering them to seek help if needed.

Support Services

Freedom Charity operates a helpline providing confidential advice and support to victims and those at risk of dishonour-based violence and forced marriages. This service is crucial in offering immediate assistance and guidance to those in need.


Freedom charity works tirelessly to influence policy and legislation to better protect victims . This includes lobbying for stronger laws and more effective enforcement against these practices.

Community Engagement

Freedom Charity engages with communities to challenge harmful practices and promote gender equality. By working within communities, the charity aims to change attitudes and behaviours that perpetuate violence against women and girls.

A Call for Collaborative Action

Prem emphasises the need for a coordinated response:

“The NPCC report underscores the urgent need for action. At Freedom Charity, we’re committed to working alongside law enforcement, government agencies, and other organisations to address all forms of violence against women and girls, including dishonour-based violence.”

She adds, “We must remember that behind these statistics are real women and girls whose lives are profoundly affected. It’s our collective responsibility to create a society where every woman and girl can live free from the threat of violence.”


The NPCC report serves as a stark reminder of the pervasive nature of violence against women and girls in our society. Prem continues to play a crucial role in addressing these issues, particularly in tackling the often-hidden problem of dishonour-based violence.

As the charity intensifies its efforts in education, support, and advocacy, it calls on all sectors of society to join in the fight against VAWG. Only through collective action can we hope to create a safer, more equitable society for all women and girls.

For more information about Freedom Charity and its work, or to access support, visit