Freedom Charity & Female Cutting

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Understanding the Harmful Practice and Its Effect

Freedom charity & Female Cutting: Female cutting affects 200 million women and girls who have gone through the horror of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). In other words, the cutting and removal of a woman’s genitals. According to the World Health Organisation; FGM is the “partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injuries to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons”.

”FGM or female cutting, causes immense pain, infection and in the worst cases, leads to death”.

Expecting, and hoping young girls report their parents for this horrific and abusive practice is extremely challenging. Survivors that I have helped rescue have said it is very difficult for them to report their own family for this terrible abuse. But the fact is that the act of female cutting is child abuse pure and simple.


The people that cut these young girls need to be brought before the courts.  This is one way this country can begin to stop this dreadful practice. Female cutting became a criminal offence in 1985 and today – October 29 2016 which is 31 years later – there has not been one prosecution in the UK!

Profiteering and committing vile abuse should lead to punishment and a prison sentence. However, the reality is that perpetrators are rewarded. Their families are glad they are destroying girls’ lives and keep repeating these awful crimes. Those that protect the cutters are equally to blame. They are party to this cruel, unnecessary, and dangerous child abuse. There is no place for FGM in today’s world.

Freedom Charity’s Red Triangle campaign aims to end FGM in a generation. By wearing the red triangle pointing downwards on your lapel, you are making a clear statement that you do not support FGM.

With your help by donating to Freedom Charity, we are one step closer to eradicating FGM

Support – Donate and Eradicate FGM in a generation!

Finally, with your help, we can get the book Cut Flowers into every school.

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Understanding the Harmful Practice and Its Effects

Female genital mutilation (FGM), also known as female circumcision, is a deeply rooted cultural practice that involves the partial or complete removal of the external female genitalia. This practice is performed on girls between infancy and age 15, and is often carried out by traditional practitioners with rudimentary tools. FGM is a harmful practice that has serious and long-lasting physical, psychological, and social effects on women and girls.

Types of FGM

FGM is classified into four types based on the extent of tissue removed.

It is important to note that no type of FGM is medically necessary and all forms of the practice have serious consequences.

Reasons for FGM

FGM is performed for a variety of cultural, religious, and social reasons. Some communities believe that FGM will ensure premarital virginity and marital fidelity, as well as increase male sexual pleasure. It is also believed to be a rite of passage into adulthood and a prerequisite for marriage in some cultures.

Effects of FGM

The effects of FGM are both physical and psychological. Physical effects can include severe pain, bleeding, infection, scarring, and problems with urination, menstruation, and sexual intercourse. FGM can also result in long-term health problems, including obstetric complications during childbirth, increased risk of HIV transmission, and emotional and psychological distress.

The psychological effects of FGM can be just as devastating. Women and girls who have undergone FGM may experience feelings of shame, guilt, and low self-esteem. They may also experience depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Global Efforts to End FGM

FGM is a violation of the human rights of women and girls, and is recognized as such by the international community. Several international organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN), have launched campaigns to end FGM. These organizations work with communities and governments to raise awareness about the harmful effects of FGM and promote alternative rites of passage that do not involve cutting.

In addition, several countries have enacted laws to prohibit FGM. These laws vary in their scope and severity, but all serve to criminalize the practice and provide legal protections for women and girls.


FGM is a harmful and violent practice that has serious and long-lasting effects on women and girls. While progress has been made in ending FGM, much work remains to be done to eradicate the practice and support survivors. It is our hope that through increased awareness, education, and action, we can end FGM and ensure that all women and girls are able to live healthy and fulfilling lives, free from violence and harm.